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Colegii de liceu ştiu despre ce este vorba! ;)
Ora cică a-nceput, iar diriga se răsteşte:
"În şuturi îl dau afară pe cel ce râde prosteşte!"
Ce să faci? Stai şi asculţi, până când se ia de tine,
Însă azi tu ai noroc: "Iar se sună de ieşire?"
Vine şi la ora a doua, scuipă foc, expiră fum
Şi ne-ntreabă alarmată: "Care-i ultimul volum?"
Este linişte deplină, parcă-i la înmormântare:
"E la mintea puiului!", dar Tudor habar nu are!
"- Vintiloiu, spune-acum, tu cu ce te-ai pregătit?"
"- Doamnă, eu n-am învăţat, pentru că am fost răcit!"
"- Băiete, asta nu-i scuză, pentru astăzi ai un 2!"
Iar către colţul din stânga: "Fără discuţie-ntre voi!"
Când mai e juma' de oră, se leagă şi de Andreea:
"- Irimie, haide, spune, ai învăţat poezia?"
"- Doamnă, eu n-am avut timp, am fost plecată de-acasă!"
"- Ce-ai zis? Am ajuns să te tratez ca pe ultimul din clasă!"
"Hodiş, iarăşi te trezeşti vorbind? Ce, aici suntem la piaţă?"
"Şi Denis, ia nu mai râde, că şi tu eşti ca o ţaţă!"
"Iliescu, tu ce faci? Stai ca nea Gheorghe la poartă!"
"Ca să nu mai zic de Teo, care stă plăcintă-n bancă!"
Catalogul îl deschide. Oare cine-i condamnat?
"- Paul, spune-mi acum, tu cam ce-ai mai învăţat?
"- Doamnă, eu n-am fost la şcoală" "- Asta nu e treaba mea!
Bălan, concentrează-te! Mie spune-mi lecţia!"
"- Dar eu nu m-am pregătit!"
"- Băiete, nu eşti capabil! Ai avut doar de citit!"
"- Pişcărac, ia spune tu, pentru oră ce-ai adus?"
"- Am venit cu cinci romane şi chiar am învăţat în plus!"
Când mai sunt 10 secunde, ora se încheie brusc:
"Vlasă, notează în caiet! Să nu zici că nu ţi-am spus!"

O uşă ce se deschide doar când intru sau ies eu,
Uneori uit că s-a terminat şi te aştept să vii.
Partea ta de pat e goală, mă gândesc la tine mereu,
Iar tu-mi zâmbeşti acum doar din fotografii.
Pe lista de foşti iubiţi adaug şi numele tău,
Scris cu litere groase de tipar.
Şi tu ai jurat că mă vei iubi mereu,
Dar... mereu există un "dar"!
Dar nu mai poţi să vii,
Dar nu mai vrei,
Dar nu mai ştii
Cum să mă iei.
Iar mâna mea scrie
Cu numărul o mie
Numele tău
Pe lista de foşti iubiţi.
Nu au fost o mie, dar toţi au venit la întâmplare
Şi au plecat spunând că poate au ghinion.
Câte un pic din sufletul meu a luat fiecare
Şi am rămas să scriu iubitul cu numărul un milion.
Şi toţi vorbeau despre casa pe care o vom avea,
Despre cum îi va chema pe copii, dar ce ghinion
Se întâmplă mereu la fel, se repetă istoria,
Adio, iubitul meu cu numărul un milion!
Dar nu mai poţi să vii,
Dar nu mai vrei,
Dar nu mai ştii
Cum să mă iei.
Iar mâna mea scrie
Cu numărul o mie
Numele tău
Pe lista de foşti iubiţi.
Am o colecţie de inele, câte unul de la fiecare,
Păstrez mii de flori uscate, presate în jurnale.
Încă unul îmi spune adio şi sună atât de banal.
Adio, iubitul meu cu numărul un miliard!

"Don't kiss on the mouth",
"And don't fall in love!"
There were the rules
Made by Madame Louis
And all men played the fools
And asked for Denise.
All men called her Mademoiselle, but her name was Denise,
He knew she loved him, he could tell from her kiss.
All men wanted her, but he was the only man who loved her.
All men lusted her, but she was afraid that one would hurt her.
"Please, Denise,
Come home with me!"
He begged on his knees
She pretended not to hear nor see.
He also played the fool
And she obeyed the rules
She knew he'd understand
If she turned her head.
But the next morning they found her dead!
"Don't be late tonight"
"And don't leave my sight!"
There were the rules
Made by Madame Louise.
And all men played the fools
And paid for Denise.
She said "Close the door in your way out, the next one is waiting"
She said she didn't love him, but he knew she was faking.
The girls told her not to go with him 'cause she was the best.
The next morning they found her with a knife in her chest.
REFRAIN: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
"Give them your body"
"And take the money!"
There were the rules
Made by Madame Louise.
And all men played the fools
And asked for Denise.
REFRAIN: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

Plânge-n seara aceasta fata din oglinda mea,
Palmele-şi apasă pe ochii mari şi grei.
Cum aş putea s-o alin, când chiar eu sunt ea?
Şi lacrimi mari cad pe obrajii ei.
Şi plânge-n seara aceasta fata din oglinda mea...
De afară se revarsă lumina de la lună,
Ea se priveşte în oglinda din dormitor.
A uitat că are peria de păr în mână,
A uitat că-n jurul ei miroase a flori.
Stă nemişcată, aşteptând o minune,
El a promis, dar n-ar fi întâia oară
Când ar uita de promisiune...
Şi plânge-n seara aceasta fata din oglinda mea,
Palmele-şi apasă pe ochii mari şi grei.
Cum aş putea s-o alin, când chiar eu sunt ea?
Şi lacrimi mari cad pe obrajii ei.
Şi plânge-n seara aceasta fata din oglinda mea...
Oftează lung muşcând buza uscată
De sete şi de nesfârşit delir.
În întuneric, obosită, tremură toată.
O privesc şi uit să mai respir.
E târziu, luminile se sting pe rând
Şi fata din oglinda mea plânge în mine.
Va adormi din nou cu el în gând
Şi el... el nu cred că mai vine...
Şi plânge-n seara aceasta fata din oglinda mea,
Palmele-şi apasă pe ochii mari şi grei.
Cum aş putea s-o alin, când chiar eu sunt ea?
Şi lacrimi mari cad pe obrajii ei.
Şi plânge-n seara aceasta fata din oglinda mea...

I thought I'd always love summer skies and seas of blue,
I thought I'd live just to spend my life with you.
I used to dream of distant places, but that's all history.
Now all I used to believe in is just a memory.
I always hoped to be the one who saves the world,
Now I don't want anything, I must be growing old.
I used to dream of making stormy revolutions,
But now that kind of dreams just bring silly confusion.
And when I spoke, I thought anyone will stop and listen,
But now I feel like there is something missing.
I don't want to be a world hero any more.
I've lost my touch, I must be growing old.
There was always a chance, there always stood tomorrow,
Now I leave behind silly regrets and aching sorrow.
My heart used to pump with fire through the ocean,
Now the years pass and I don't pay much attention.
Some say I'm ignorant 'cause I don't care at all.
I've had my time of glory, I must be growing old.
What I gotta do to keep all those naive dreams alive?
If I made one more effort, I don't think I'd survive.
I'm too tired to try, too tired to even pretend I'm ok,
In the end no one will give a damn, nor remember anyway.
My body is young, but I've got scars in my soul.
I made my moves, life got me bruised, I'm growing old.
Every step is now made after long time hesitation
Or not made at all and given up at first rejection.
I payed my dues, gave more than I received,
I have no regrets for the adventurous life that I lived.
I did my part, I played my role
I'm stopping here, I'm growing old.

Gunshots and bombs exploding all over the place,
Huge fire in the sky and deep holes in the ground.
Blood on those young soldiers' bodies and face,
A mother's crying for the son she looked for but never found
He packed his things in a suitcase and said
"I can't take this fighting any more"
"I swear to God I won't end up dead"
"I'm going home now, so bye-bye, war!"
He got home and rang at the door
And soon he heard steps on the floor.
The door opened and a beautiful lady
Called "Come here, baby,
To meet your daddy".
And a kid showed up in the doorway
And he stared for a while.
Then took his son in this arms and said
"This kid has my eyes
And he has my smile".
He packed his things in a suitcase and said
"I can't take this fighting any more"
"I swear to God I won't end up dead"
"I'm going home now, so bye-bye, war!"
"Four years I've been gone,
With bombs around me
And all this time at home,
My son was growing up without me!"
He packed his things in a suitcase and said
"I can't take this fighting any more"
"I swear to God I won't end up dead"
"I'm going home now, so bye-bye, war!"

You forgot to come to my place last night, yes, I know it,
Though you say you couldn't because of the rain.
But it didn't rain last night, nor the night before it
And so I caught you lying to me all over again.
When I call you at work someone always says you're not there
And doesn't really know when you are coming back.
But I found a telephone number in the pocket of your pants
And I felt the smell of some cheap perfume on your neck.
You say I don't trust you and you accuse me
Of always being ready to walk out the door.
But, baby, why don't you introduce me
To this... friend of yours?
And on your lips I saw a lipstick that's not mine
And when the phone calls no one ever says "hello".
I just stay and listen to her breathe on the line
Until she finally asks "Is William home?"
But I don't know anyone by that name
And when I tell her it's wrong number, dial again
She told me that I should better watch my man
Cause I'm gone abroad all the time and he's all by himself.
Refrain: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
This morning I needed the car and you said that's ok
Cause you can ask a friend to give you a ride.
But your friend parked so far from my driveway
And I asked "Why don't you ask him inside?"
You kissed me goodbye and said you had to go.
I watched you walk away and get into the car.
Tell me do you kiss all of your friends hello
Or is this friend of yours a very special one.
Refrain: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Întins pe nisip, absent şi gânditor,
Privind spre cerul de safir şi perle,
Simţind în mine toate câte dor
Iubirea ta, mare, se află printre ele.
Nu plânge, mare, că nu te pot iubi.
Nu suspina că nu pot să te vreau.
Cu valul tău rece eu nu mă pot uni.
Nu eşti femeie, nu pot nimic să-ţi dau.
Ieftine versuri despre valuri, dacă vrei
Nimic din ce nu a mai fost scris până acum.
Tu, mare, din orice vei vrea să îmi iei,
Până la apus, sub soare, s-ar face scrum.
Tu eşti frumoasă, dar crudă şi cruntă.
Eu nu pot fi al tău, tu îmi eşti străină.
Îmi place doar s-ascult adâncu-ţi cum cântă,
Şi să aud valurile tale noaptea cum suspină.
M-aude şi geme şi plânge nebună,
Mereu albastră şi etern sălbatică
Mă iubeşte şi nu poate să-mi spună
Eu nu-i pot da nicio plimbare romantică.
Şi tot ce am putut să-i dau vreodată
A fost pasul meu, dar valul ei l-a şters.
I-am dat o-mbrăţişare, dar nevinovată,
O lacrimă, ici-colo câte-un vers.
Dar că sunt om, eu n-am să-i cer iertare,
Nu va putea să-mi pară rău nicicând.
Voi plânge doar la a ei tristă chemare
Dar ea rămâne apă, eu - pământ!

My love has gone
And all he left behind
Is an empty view
And a twisted mind.
My love has gone
And in his place
There's whole in my heart
An a picture of his face.
My love has gone
And I can't get out of my head
The smell of his perfume,
Him sleeping in my bed.
My love has gone
Didn't get the chance to say goodbye
My love has gone
And maybe so should I.

He walked and walked four hours and hours through wind and rain,
Praying the storm would wash away all the memories and pain.
But tears never turn into water even if you want them to
And the sun never shines if it only shines for you.
From the tenth floor, he just closed his eyes and jumped
And said "Mama, you'll see me on the news tonight",
"I'm gonna be a hero when I die!"
But when he reached the ground
People gathered around
To see how a suicide man loked like.
If he could only speak now that the pain is gone
He'd say "The sun never shines for the lost 1"...
The doors were all open, but he was still looking for a key
To open up some long-gone past, some painful memory
He felt life was too tough and could not take it
And would've rather died than fade away so soon.
He said "Life is only what you make it",
"But now I feel like die is all I wanna do".
And said "Mama, you'll see me on the news tonight".
"I'm gonna be a hero when I die".
Refrain: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Daddy left home when he was only five,
Never called for birthdays, didn't see him at his prom.
His mother cared for him at day and worked at night
And all he ever had was his mom.
Refrain: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

So empty
You left me,
So sick
And so weak.
Now you want me back,
It's just another act.
Now you love me, you say,
It's just a role that you play.
It's just another mask you put on,
But now, who are you hiding from?
With my love
I made you so vulnerable
When I took your mask off!

Se aruncă de pe stânci
În apele cele mai adânci,
Zboară cu albatroşii, în braţele lui cuprinde câte un val
Ca un fiu regal al mării adus cu forţa de vânturi la mal.
Cu braţele reci îmi cuprinde uşor trupul de soare încins,
Îmi prinde scoici în păr şi spune: "Aşa cum ţi-am promis."
Nemişcat, întins pe nisip,
Nu vede, nu aude nimic.
Mă ignoră. Ca un delfin el simte doar marea în vine,
Îi sărut palmele sărate, priveşte soarele dincolo de mine.
Gust sarea de pe trupul lui, bărbat-delfin născut în adâncuri,
Smuls de valuri dintre corali şi adus la mal de vânturi.
Delfin născut din val şi soare,
Simţi furtuni în tâmple, marea în vine.
Delfin, dacă tu ai şti cât mă doare
Că iubeşti marea mai mult ca pe mine.

He signed his name with his a pen dipped into blood,
On every heart that had a painfully bleeding flood.
And he seems to be the one who mercilessly put the thorns
One by one, on the fragile stalk of every red rose.
He rained himself down from a starred-starred night,
Trying to stop the ravens from their glorious flight.
I tried to thrust love-fever into his icy frozen veins,
Like a fool, I thought I could pray away his sins.
But he just slammed himself against a wall of rejection
From forces that were far beyond any human perception.
But I did all just for love,
I did all just for you
And I remained alone to pay the price
For falling in love with a man made of ice.
Man of ice...
I always knew that he was lost frozen somewhere
Along corridors of time and would never dare
To come out into the fire and let the flames melt away
The ice from his heart and let the sun guide his way.
So I let him burry his heart in solitude and misery.
I let him walk away praying he will soon come back for me.
So naive, I filled my mind with fantastical visions of perfection,
I fed my mind with some bizzare imaginary attraction.
I put my heart on the altar of love trying to save his soul,
But I couldn't keep him back from losing control.
But I did all just for love,
I did all just for you
And I remained alone to pay the price
For falling in love with a man made of ice,
Man of ice...

Come what may,
From now on I don't care.
The end is only a heartbeat away,
Come what may...
Come what may,
I've lived my life exactly the way I wanted to live.
And anyway
Probably there's not much left for me to give.
Consumed by passion
And always staying true to what I felt.
Never repressed aggression
And giving away in a moment all I've ever had.
Come what may,
From now on I don't care.
The end is only a heartbeat away,
Come what may...
Come what may,
I had so much joy and pain in my life
And anyway
I have grown old and maybe that's enough.
Sometimes so joyful,
And others times I felt the pain would never end.
But I am grateful
For every man that loved me and for every friend.
Come what may,
From now on I don't care.
The end is only a heartbeat away,
Come what may...
Nu este scrisă de mine, dar aş fi vrut eu să fie. Recunosc că am postat poezia asta fără să cer acordul "poetului". Dacă vrea să şi-o revendice, să mă anunţe :)

Aceasta nu e poezie,
Aceasta nu se rupe-n două,
Aceasta plânge,tragedie,
Aceasta ploua.
Aceasta nu se saltă-n zare,
Aceasta vine de departe,
Aceasta nu se simte-n stare
Această carte.
Aceasta nu e de citit,
Aceasta uită şi se jură,
Aceasta-n deget s-a rănit,
Aceasta fură.
Aceasta zice că-s nebun,
Aceasta e de-acord cu ea,
Aceasta se pierde pe drum,
Aceasta vrea.
Aceasta nu vă mai convine,
Aceasta n-are clar valoare,
Aceasta e prea mică-n sine,
Aceasta e prea mare.
Aceasta sute de cu seară,
Aceasta cântece aztece,
Aceasta nu se prea omoară,
Aceasta zece.
Aceasta temple şi altare,
Aceasta urcă spre dinjosuri,
Aceasta nu-i apă din mare,
Aceasta dosuri.
Aceasta stele despuiate,
Aceasta galben colţuroasă,
Aceasta e prea grea de spate,
Aceasta-i grasă.
Aceasta a făcut doar spume,
Aceasta nu a fost să fie,
Aceasta lasă numai urme,
Aceasta mie.
Aceasta este cam degeaba,
Aceasta cu dureri amare,
Aceasta mult zoreşte graba,
Aceasta doare.
Aceasta neologizează,
Aceasta zbate rău cuvântul,
Aceasta moare în amiază,
Aceasta vântul.
Aceasta babă prea sfătoasă,
Aceasta câine ce nu tace,
Aceasta nu e sănătoasă,
Aceasta face.
Aceasta nu e poezie,
Aceasta cititorul ştie,
Aceasta n-a fost doar să fie,
Aceasta-i VIE.

La ce te gândeşti, ce înseamnă acest suspin?
Spune-mi, iubire, devii Elena, puţin câte puţin?...
Dar poţi, iubire, să îmi spui ce preţ mai are
Tot ce avem acum dacă iubirea moare...
Haide, iubire, dă-mi mâna şi invită-mă la vals,
Să ne mai amăgim încă o seară cu paradisul fals.

Statuia de marmură albă şi rece,
Neclintită fusese acolo de mult,
Privind ignorantă timpul cum trece,
Admirând trandafirii, vântu-ascultând.
Părea să privească ades păsări în zbor,
Părea pierdută într-un univers haotic,
Cu ochii-i reci şi goi se holba la trecători.
Îi invidia şi totuşi, le zâmbea ironic.
O noapte si-atât... Acum din piatra inertă
Au rămas doar fragmente prea mici şi prea reci.
O noapte şi-atât... Şi din statuia perfectă...
Nimic! Biată statuie, unde ai vrut să pleci?
Azi locul unde a fost cândva statuia
E parcă vid şi amăgitor privirii.
Azi în locul unde a fost cândva statuia
A crescut iedera ce a umbrit trandafirii.

I thought that misty nights and rainy days
Have lost themselves somewhere along their ways.
The tumult of a world I thought left far behind
Returned to this abandoned space to find
Just roaring emptiness and a whispered autumn song,
A place of withered illusions and of leaves beaten gold.
My thoughts are driven away like winged petals and seeds,
My eyes instantly cry and my heart desperately bleeds.
It feels like I have never been able to love, nor to smile
As if this misty wind has scattered out my whole life.
Autumn must be a lady who probably died
Trying to soar like a seagull, but never learnt to fly.
And the clarion of her mysterios spirit still raves
Like haunting ghosts dancing in the darken graves.
A hectic smell is all around me in the air,
These foul empty streets... have they ever been fair?
And golden leaves are driven around like ghosts,
And the wind is crying like a mother cries her loss.
Autumn has put her filthy wings around mankind.
If winter comes, can spring be far behind?..

Când sângeram, ei, orbi, nici nu văd al nostru sânge,
Nu aud un pui de geniu cum plânge,
Li se pare o iluzie, aluzie sau doar vis,
Dar ei cu ignoranţă, un pui de geniu au ucis.
Îngenunchiaţi, supuşi, în criză de idei,
Ne abandonam, pasiv conduşi de ei.
Ei care au impresia că nici nu trăiesc pe pământ
Şi nici nu ştiu că noi trăim doar... din când în când.
Cu ton sarcastic ne ordonă să învăţăm a trăi,
Apoi nemulţumiţi ne condamnă pentru...
Infracţiunea de a fi!

My heart is always split in two
Between what I am doing
And what I am supposed to do.
He sees me cry,
He hears me sigh
Every now and then,
But he can't understand.
He doesn't know what I feel,
He never understood,
And he never will.
He is watching me peacefully with his blue beautiful eyes,
Trying to pretend that he knows what's going on.
But if he knew, I wouldn't be here wrapped in his arms,
No matter how much he says he loves me, he'd be gone.
My heart is always split in two
Between what I am doing
And what I am supposed to do.
He sees me cry,
He hears me sigh
Every now and then,
But he can't understand.
He doesn't know what I feel,
He never understood,
And he never will.

You used to climb the mountains, but now they push you up,
You used to shine like the sun, but now they turn on the light.
Your every effort used to be rewarded with a throne and a crown,
But now they push you up while you're pulling yourself down.
And it's not easy to win this way
Without having faught enough, without grace,
'Cause no matter what their praising would say
You still got tears running down your face.
They still see you as a hero, but you're fading every day,
'Cause it's really not easy to win this way.
No matter the flowers, the statues they're building for you,
You know that most of them are for parade and untrue.
No matter the prizes, the endless applause that you got,
'Cause they won't turn you back into something you're not.
Refrain: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Too proud to admit they let you win because they adore you
And they know there's never been anyone better before you.
But deep inside you know you won without fighting enough
And winning without deserving cuts just like a knife.
Refrain: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

Am căutat în cărţi un nume să-ţi găsesc,
În stele chiar, să aflu a ta privire.
Dar tu nu exişti în lume şi în nimic omenesc.
Eşti zeu prin adorare şi sfânt prin slăvire.
Din ochii tăi de azur noaptea lent s-a prelins
Şi e plină de scântei rupte dintr-un fulger
Ce ard pe chipul tău, pe părul tău de aur aprins
Când baţi parcă din aripi şi te-nalţi ca un înger.
Zâmbeşti, dar trist. Şi ochii îi închizi uşor,
Te pierzi în amintiri, în poezii, în pagini,
Măşti şi minciuni ce le credeai uitate, încă dor,
Chiar dacă sunt doar fragmente, frânturi de imagini.
Şi iar goneşti pe calul tău parcă înaripat,
Iar luna din ceruri pe chipu-ţi de înger aduce
Raze ameţitoare de argint revărsat
Ce scapără în sufletul tău de zeu, Il Luce...
PS: Il Luce nu e Mircea Lucescu :)))))))

Bad habbit, damn taboo,
I'm over you...
I called you last night just to see
How I'd feel if I heard your voice again.
But I only rememberd much misery,
The sound of your voice brought back the pain..
You are still faking, you see,
You haven't changed a bit.
Bad habit, damn taboo,
I'm over you...
You said you were doing just fine,
But I know you too well to believe you.
I listened to your breath on the line,
Thinking I did so good when decided to leave you.
You still pretend and cheat,
You haven't changed a bit.
Bad habit, damn taboo,
I'm over you...
You used to swear I was the only one,
Now I know you told others the same.
You can have your ways now that I'm gone,
But be careful not to call others my name.
You still hide what you feel,
You haven't changed a bit.
Bad habit, damn taboo,
I'm over you...

It took me much to see
There is no winning with you,
'Cause you always fight against me
Like it's the last the last thing you'd do.
Weak and unable to hit back,
I withdrawn into envious resistance.
You turned me into a wrack,
Wish I could just keep my distance.
Again you win,
I have grown used to it.
Again I lose,
It's not like I had to chose.
You win. I lose.
But you just keep going
In the opposite direction,
Between us there's no loving,
Just physical attraction.
I need a man who loves victory,
But not tries to get it over me.
I wanna win without breaking your heart,
Fighting can't be right.
Again you win,
I have grown used to it.
Again I lose,
It's not like I had to chose.
You win. I lose.

Ar vrea să rămână, de plecare se teme,
Ţara-i cu glas stins, începe să o cheme
Spre necunoscut.
Va pleca într-o lume pe care n-o ştie,
Să rămână-ntre umbre pentru vecie,
S-o ia de la-nceput.
Să clădească în stâncă noi imperii
Să aducă azurul între nori argintii
Şi în ochi lumină.
Să facă roze din ceaţă şi rouă din lacrimi
Salvând patria de ale pământului patimi
Cu un titlu de regină.
Şi stă neclintită în bătaia vântului
Să înfrunte blestemul crunt al pământului
În care s-a născut.
Şi în întuneric, tot neclintită plânge,
Căci de-un pământ sărac e legată prin sânge,
Dar prin suflet nicicând!
"În curând eu voi trece de-al tău hotar,
Se năruie-n mine şi viaţă şi speranţă.
Lumea spre care mă duc îmi va fi altar,
Mă duc să mă jertfesc, rămâi cu bine, Franţă!"

Always up to date and permanently sharp in style,
Conquering any heart, any kingdom with just one smile.
It used to take me no more than a pleasing look,
Or a snap of my fingers, that's all it ever took.
And everything I could possibly want was done,
But the show is over 'cause there is no more fun.
And if the dream would live, I would still believe it,
But I'm worn out now and too weak to even try to live it.
I don't have the power, the will I had in the past,
If I tried one more time, that try might be the last.
Why fighting so much if they pretend not to see?
Why being the best if it brings out the worst in me?
They all pretended to know me, called me by my name,
The rules were too tough, I got tired of their stupid game,
'Cause with time, competition has grown into loneliness,
There were only strangers who pretended to be my friends.
It just doesn't feel like it used to, I must be growing old,
I lost the need for speed from those happy years of gold.
I can take it no more, I have come to the end of the line,
I had my time of glory, now it's the perfect moment for goodbye.
I don't have the power, the will I had in the past,
If I tried one more time, that try might be the last.
Why fighting so much if they pretend not to see?
Why being the best if it brings out the worst in me?

This world did not love you,
Perhaps they did not know how.
Now you are already faded,
Perhaps they'll love you now...
Now I think they understand
What you really tried to do
And they reach out to your hand
Just to find themselves in you.
Like flames dancing in the eyes of a child,
Memories will rush right back to you.
All through your stormy life turned wild,
You loved the world, but they never knew.
And the world could only ignore you
And let you live your life alone.
Now that you're gone, the adore you,
They only treasure those who are gone.
Golden leaves are flying and falling,
Just like tears from your eyes.
And the autumn wind is calling
For all those who lost their lives.
And the world's compassion
Is no consolation
'Cause you never really knew
They'll be lost in admiration
When they will be losing you.
And the world could only ignore you
And let you live your life alone.
Now that you're gone, they adore you
They only treasure those who are gone.

Priveşti prin mine, eşti tot mai absent,
Mă pierzi încet, eşti inconştient.
Tu juri că mă adori,
Dar mereu mă ignori.
Ai nevoie de mila, nu de iubirea mea,
Nu ştiu cât o să mai pot rezista...
Orice mângâiere îşi are preţul ei,
Priveşti rugător şi fix în ochii mei.
Prefer să cedez,
Să nu mă enervez.
Oricum te iubesc, nu te pot refuza,
Dar cât o să mai pot rezista?
Mă amăgeşti uşor, cu o singură privire,
Te ador, eşti cea mai dulce amăgire.
Ador tot ce-i al tău,
Chiar dacă-mi face rău...
Prefer să fac orice ca să rămâi în viaţa mea,
Dar mă întreb cât o să mai pot rezista?

You've been playing your part
Though you knew from the start
That it was only gonna break your heart.
The love-stories you lost 'cause you were untrue.
The wicked games that seemed to get you through.
The lies that you told,
The image you sold
Deceived everyone who was ever around you,
Made your good friends stop caring about you.
REFRAIN:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The talking behind your good friends' back,
The secrets that you never really kept.
You made everyone think
That you had everything
But instead you only got despair and just loneliness
Now you'd give up all just to hear a familiar voice.
REFRAIN:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The pretending when claiming you were strong,
The denial even when you knew you were wrong.
You only tried to hide
The tears that you cried.
And if you hurt everybody, you didn't do it intentionally,
Their hurt brought you twice as much misery.
REFRAIN:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Forgive me for I smile when there are tears
Falling from your pretty-pretty eyes.
But, baby, I'm so happy that you're here
And that I can you hold you in my arms.
Forgive me for I cry when there's a smile
Coming upon your pretty-pretty face.
But, baby, I'm afraid it's just for a while
And that happiness is not going to last.

Black, so black are the eyes of the lady,
They throw sharp arrows of poison and fire.
Black, so black is her hair and it's waving,
The look you set upon her is gonna mistify her.
They say the lady is a deamon,
'Cause they melt as they look in her eyes.
And she fades like a ghost when they see her,
But what if she's an angel in disguise?
Black eyes shine through the night,
Lips glow in the candle light.
Run unless you want
To get crucified.
Soon by love
You'll be sanctified.
Cold, so cold are the hands of the lady,
But her blood is a vulcano in her veins.
Red, so red are her lips and she's maybe
Gonna set on your lips her fatal kiss.
They say the lady is a deamon,
'Cause they melt as they look in her eyes.
And she fades like a ghost when they see her,
But what if she's an angel in disguise?

Nu vrea să ştiu unde ai dormit aseară,
De dragul tău, sper doar că a meritat.
Te voi lăsa să pleci, chiar dacă o să doară,
Eu nu mai vreau, nu mai pot să mă prefac.
Şi totuşi dacă tu mi-ai cere iertare,
Şi totuşi dacă te-aş mai întoarce din drum,
Şi totuşi dacă aş mai găsi putere
Să nu te mai iert, să nu te mai cred şi acum...
Mă întreb de ce mi-ai mai promis că vii,
Te aştept, dar deja, ore întregi ai întârziat.
Îmi pare rău că poate niciodată nu vei şti
Cât te-am iubit şi nici măcar n-ai meritat.
Şi totuşi dacă tu mi-ai mai spune o dată
Că mă iubeşti şi că ai vrea să te mai iert
Şi îmi promiţi că nu mai greşeşti niciodată,
Şi totuşi dacă eu aş mai putea să te cred...
Şi totuşi dacă m-ai lua iarăşi în braţe
Şi mi-ai vorbi despre ce vrei şi ce simţi,
Dacă m-ai mai putea amăgi cu speranţe
Şi dacă aş putea să cred că nu mai minţi.
Şi totuşi dacă eu aş putea să uit tot ce a fost,
Până la urmă poate, nu a fost decât un vis.
Mă întreb dacă iubirea ar mai avea vreun rost.
Şi dacă totuşi ai veni, aşa cum ai promis...

Fields of cruel green,
With flowers in the sun,
Every blazing beam,
Sometimes they only seem
As if they'll never shine
Ever again...
And when the anger strikes I feel surrounded
By an ocean of blood throbbing in my veins.
Thoughts running through my head and all around it
As a devilish punishment for all the undone sins.
I feel like doors are slamming in the back of my mind
And I am covered up by pain I thought I left behind.
Dancind in my blood
Like ferocious nightly ghosts,
Anger - like a flood
Never pays back what I lost.
Moving throuh my veins
To break my heart in two,
Causing all the sins
I've never thought I'd do.
What a starred night
In the arms of my lover.
Everything seems so right
And it seems so forever,
But never...
It never turned out the way I wanted it to turn out,
All my passions consumed me before they burned out,
'Cause I start hearing voices screaming deep inside me,
All the secrets that I've ever hid now all hide me.
Anger started out like drifting away from perfection,
But it's so long since it first proved to be an obsession.
Dancind in my blood
Like ferocious nightly ghosts,
Anger - like a flood
Never pays back what I lost.
Moving throuh my veins
To break my heart in two,
Causing all the sins
I've never thought I'd do.
I breathe your smile
I taste it slowly,
Come linger for a while,
Come lose yourself in me,
Baby, you see...
Coming over me so slowly and strongly like a wave,
I feel it entering inside of me through my fingertips.
An ocean of anger, so lonely and dark like a grave,
It got the taste of a drop of poison upon my withered lips.
They always told me to livve my life to the max
But adrenaline is only in guns, drugs and sex.
Dancind in my blood
Like ferocious nightly ghosts,
Anger - like a flood
Never pays back what I lost.
Moving throuh my veins
To break my heart in two,
Causing all the sins
I've never thought I'd do.

Eşti o iluzie topită de durere,
Te duci cu fiecare pas tot mai departe
Şi nici măcar tu nu îţi iei la revedere
Când pleci singur şi trist în prag de noapte.
Şi valuri după valuri de amărăciune
Mă îneacă şi plâng în fiecare seară
Când eu, timidă, sărut cu o plecăciune
Buzele-ntredeschise ca întâia oară.
Divin ar fi să mă trezesc în orice dimineaţă
Strângându-ţi cu putere trupul tău cald la piept!
Dar o minune nu durează o întreagă viaţă
Şi mie nu-mi rămâne decât să te aştept.
Zbori, visul meu de amăgitoare iubire,
Înalţă-ţi un renume prin laudele lor!
Fii eroul tuturor cum îţi este-n fire.
Iar eu voi fi ce-am fost mereu: un SPECTATOR!

Let me out into this amazing labyrinthical world,
In this huge agresion that makes me feel so small.
Let me out into the nightmime, set me free into the dark light.
I'm gonna break out tonight like never before.
'Cause this city's got much more to show.
Armours of steel and glass, electric eyes are everywhere,
Such a sensual diguise
Of the City's sleepless eyes.
I'll take my chance tonight, I know for sure I'll dare,
I feel I can be a star of this space tonight.
If this city is just an apple,
Then let me take a bite!
New York, mouth to mouth rescuecitation,
Sending hearbeats, blocking perceptions.
New York City, Big Apple's on fire tonight,
So let me take a bite!
New York City, N.Y.
Macho men, rich business men and everywhere strip girls
They show the illusion of this stunning universe.
Famous people just escaped from the hell of Hollywood,
Drinking in fancy bars, feeling so damn good.
With papparrazzi on their tracks for a photo or interview.
Money and actions gotten stuck somewhere on 5th Avenue.
They are all fragments of this structure turned wild.
In New York time is money
And they all call me "honey"
As if they knew me since I was a child.
I feel I can be a star of this universe tonight.
If this town is just an apple,
Then let me take a bite.
New York, mouth to mouth rescuecitation,
Sending hearbeats, blocking perceptions.
New York City, Big Apple's on fire tonight,
So let me take a bite!
New York City, N.Y.

Some say that love comes from physical attraction,
Others say it is in finding a lifetime soul-mate.
But love is not love if it seems much to close to perfection,
Nor if you wait for it to be given to you by fate.
Everyone's looking for that one secret of love:
The secret of love is in not having secrets at all.
Some say that love is believing in Jesus and in God,
Others say it is in trying to live life to the max.
But love is not love unless it is hurting inside,
Love means both true friendship and good sex.
Everyone's looking for that one secret of love:
The secret of love is in not having secrets at all.

I've let myself burnt out by weird deceitful passions,
I've been seduced by moments of consuming pleasures.
Oceans of darkness were broken by flaming flashes of light,
While I was crying away every second of the sinful night.
And in the morning, like a church bell, I listen to the silence,
While the loneliness breaks out in thunders of exhausted violence.
Once upon a time I used to turn to you
To make me feel ok.
Now I turn to dust and you
Watch the wind blow me away...
Fade away, fade away,
Waste away!...
Fade away, fade away,
Waste away!...
Sharp teeth of loneliness bite me fom somewhere inside,
If I could just put into words all these secrets I hide,
Would they still resent me? Would I still hang to the bell?
Would this voice in my head still call me back to hell?
Now I'm lost among crystal glasses of champagne and caviar,
While comets are blazing and burning across my broken heart.
Once upon a time I used to turn to you
To make me feel ok.
Now I turn to dust and you
Watch the wind blow me away...
Fade away, fade away,
Waste away!...
Fade away, fade away,
Waste away!...
Baby, baby, tie these rebel wings of mine to the ground,
Before they take me to the sky and slam me against the clouds.
I've been lost frozen somewhere along corridors of time,
Sentenced to writing love songs with lyrics that never rime.
Forever I'll be lonley as if I'm living in Cleopatra's tomb,
And as if I got rejected by the tide and the full moon.
Once upon a time I used to turn to you
To make me feel ok.
Now I turn to the ocean and you
Watch the sun burn me away...
Fade away, fade away,
Waste away!...
Fade away, fade away.
Burn away!...