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You've never said "I love you", though you've felt it,
You were afraid that maybe she wouldn't understand it.
But others say it all the time, no matter what they feel.
Some never loved before and others never will.
Have you ever been in love and felt you touched the sky?
Have you ever dreamt of forever just by staring in her eyes?
And in bed, next to your lover, have you tried to count the stars?
Have you felt you kissed Eternity and held Heaven in your arms?
Have you ever been in love and saw Time standing still?
Have you ever felt in your heart, the rush of her hearbeat?
Have you ever tasted a skin that you almost felt like yours?
Have you ever breathed in, the air that she had breathed out before?

Priveşti pe fereastră, pasiv şi plictisit,
De-atâta adorare, aproape ai obosit.
Cu ţigara fumegând între degetele lungi,
Încercând, fără rost, singurătatea s-o alungi.
Divin de frumos,
Nici vesel, nici serios.
Tu nu arăţi nici bucurie, nici durere,
Nu-şi au loc în tine nici slăbiciune şi nici putere.
Eşti doar menit să rămâi etern adorat,
Să joci rolul tău de fals Don Juan
Sedus şi abandonat.
Tu pari doar făcut să rămâi frumos şi indiferent,
Ochii tăi privesc în gol, parcă prin mine.
Asculţi vocea mea şi doar zâmbeşti absent,
Dai senzaţia că pe tine, nimic niciodată nu te atinge.
Pierdut în fotoliu, cu capul dat pe spate,
Încruntat, cu degetele subţiri crispate,
Masezi arcadele-incordate, încercând să te minţi
Că timpul nici nu trece dacă tu nu îl mai simţi.
Sălbatic de frumos,
Cu un zâmbet dureros,
Ce eşti tu? Acel perimat demon sau înger?
Aparent nepăsător la victorii şi înfrângeri.
Consumat de furtuna care-ai fost,
Prea obosit să mai respiri
Când simţi că n-are rost.
Tu pari doar făcut să rămâi frumos şi indiferent,
Ochii tăi privesc în gol, parcă prin mine.
Asculţi vocea mea şi doar zâmbeşti absent,
Dai senzaţia că pe tine, nimic niciodată nu te atinge.
Nu, pe tine nimic niciodată nu te atinge,
Te consumi încet, nimic nu te mai poate învinge.
Închizi ochii primind resemnat iubirea lor,
Eu - ca toţi ceilalţi - nu pot decât să te ador.
Inuman de frumos,
Avid de spectaculos.
Am nevoie să te înţeleg ca să pot să te iubesc,
Dar tu eşti singurul pe care nu pot să-l citesc.
Vei rămâne tot singur, e firesc,
Mă vei pierde curând
Te vei pierde şi tu.
În tine nu mai ai nimic omenesc.

We look for Eternity in places it does not belong,
We search for God in churches so called "saint",
We hope to find weak slaves in people who seem strong
And write love letters that we'll never actually send.
We waste our lives dismaying, terrorizing, fighting for causes already achieved.
We invent and discover things that have already been thought of and conceived.
We work like damn machines just to turn lonely nights into busy days.
Inert and empty, we sit around counting all the good moments away.
We sweep away all emotions and put masks to hide our anxieties,
We are not ourselves any more, just wandering through weird societies.
We are called by nicks and codes and we've come to forget our name,
We are not feeling while living our lives and that is such a SHAME!

I love you for dreaming away
When I softly kiss your ajar lips,
I love you for every night and day,
When you don't lock me out of your dreams.
I love you for forgetting your body
In my arms from night till dawn,
I love you for being that somebody
Who never allows me to feel I'm alone.
I love you for keeping me on the line
And for being so sweetly blind to see
That I love you not for only being mine,
But I love you for not being like me!

I thought that love was such an easy game to play,
'Cause I saw it in the movies and read about it in novels,
But I never thought it can just fade away
And turn into nothing the lives of the two lovers.
I thought that love was only made to last forever
And make the lovers want to be together more and more,
But I never thought they would stop needing each other
When they drive away from what they had before.
I thought that love was only about glances and kisses
And always being his devoted friend and tender lover,
But I never thought one goes and the other one misses
When the two of them are in love, but not with each other.
I thought that love only takes time and understanding,
'Cause I saw it between the landlord and the girl next door.
I never thought it can be faked, nor pretending,
But now I just don't think that any more!

Love, don't leave me,
'Cause I need you like a dying man needs a familiar face.
Love, don't leave me,
Just don't desert me here in this lonely shattered space.
Love, don't leave me!
A gunning-down emotion and this weird sensation
Were all he ever gave, but I never paid much attention.
And now I feel I'm losing everything I've ever had
And still I can't bring in mind the last words that he said.
Love, don't hurt me,
'Cause I feel like a convinct in his very last lonely days.
Love, don't kill me,
I am innocent, I cannot bear this sentence to death.
Love, don't leave me!
Self-consuming, unconcious and willingly blind,
I closed my eyes not to see him walk away from me.
And so damn uselessly I tried to bring in mind
What I never understood, what I could never see.
Love, don't give me up,
'Cause I know I will go down if I remain alone.
Love, don't let me down,
'Cause I cannot bear your absence while he's gone.
Love, don't leave me!

O clipă, Doamne, nu Îţi cer zile, luni sau ani
Să nu am nici putere, nici vise şi nici bani.
Să nu cunosc durerea, să nu ştiu fericirea,
Să nu simt ura, Doamne, să nu-mi doresc iubirea.
Să fiu doar moleculă, neînsemnat atom,
Să fiu, Doamne, orice, numai să nu fiu om.
Azi firea mă desparte de tot ce vreau să fiu.
Şi nu m-ajută la nimic toate câte ştiu.
Toate câte o viaţă-ntreagă am învăţat
Sunt goluri în care doar iluzii am băgat.
Ce simt acum? Mă abţin să nu spun!
Vreau doar să râd la ploaie ca un biet nebun,
Să uit tot ce-am făcut şi tot ce-am zis,
Să urmăresc din nou acelaşi simplu vis.
Dar sunt gânduri multe, raţiuni dedesubt,
Concepţii ce o viaţă-ntreagă am urât.
Şi oricât ar fi de durereoase şi de grele,
Acuma, Doamne, sunt toate ale mele.
Să fiu, Doamne, orice, numai să nu fiu om!
Să fiu doar moleculă, neînsemnat atom...
Să nu simt ura, Doamne, să nu-mi doresc iubirea,
Să nu cunosc durerea, să nu ştiu fericirea.
Să nu vreau nici putere, nici vise şi nici bani,
O clipă, Doamne, nu Îţi cer zile, luni sau ani.